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New Building Technologies


Consortium TDR has placed particular attention to the field of the Constructions, especially in these regarding the programs in the underdeveloped nations, of great relief and social impact. These programs determines, in great part, the quality of the life of the populations interested in a long period and can constitute, if badly managed and realizes, social clashing and/or marginalization.
In relation of the large situations of poverty, that are present, the house cost must be particular low.
Therefore, Consortium TDR has selected new constructive technologies and have created own low price systems which are quickly execution but standards of elevates quality, for answering to urgent necessities of populations, without to penalty the people.

  • Soft Construction TDR is a new building system based on ABS EUROPE or M2 panels that concur to build up with savings of time and costs until to 30/35%.
  • Consortium TDR with System Più, built with the auto load bearing panels without reinforced concrete pillars (three or four floors with the single panel and twenty floors with the use of the double panel).
  • ITI Block is a system that use recycled plastic and the house can be built without need of energy, therefore it is particularly utilizable in mountain or desert zone or, also, for building worker’s villages.
  • The New Technologies utilized from Consortium TDR are based on pre fabricated panels and answer to requirements of vertical constructions also for the zones to telluric risk.
  • New Technologies in the field of the constructive processes in order to optimize the times of the constructions, always a lot compressed in the underdeveloped nations, in which they are programmed total participations of great capacity that they cannot be delays and to dilute the hope of the population.
  • Consortium TDR promote the use of “Kenaf Panels” (natural product) for the traditional constructions, instead of the rock o glass o polyester fibers which are cancerous materials.

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